Sensory capability

What sensory capabilities that you should hold as being a panelist?


As we mentioned last section that you need to be qualified in communication capability, understanding capability, recognition capability, description capability, expression capability, sensitivity capability, reliability capability, in addition to being in the target criteria like age, gender, eating habits, product user, product preference.

For recognition capability, you will need to pass the certain screening test for recognizing certain sensory attributes to make sure you not certain colorblind, odorblind, tasteblind. For description and expression capabilities, you will need to be able to describe certain sensory perception in sentence and be able to express it as certain descriptor both qualitatively and quantitatively. For sensitivity capability, you will need to pass certain screening test(s) for detecting the difference both qualitatively and quantitatively. For example, recognition threshold test or difference threshold test or ranking test. For reliability capability, you will need to pass certain screening test(s) for accuracy test and stability test.